Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Philly's all-vegan restaurant family just got a little bigger. This fast food place opened up in Rittenhouse a couple weeks ago. I'm a huge fan of their "Crispy HipCity Ranch" burger, green smoothie, banana whip, and kale lemonade. If you're a fan of fancy salads and mushroom sandwiches, you will be very excited. If you were hoping for a vegan McDonald's or classier Foodswings (like I was), you might be a bit disappointed. I can see myself going here once or twice a month when I feel like indulging in some fake meat goodness. 

I am looking forward to seeing how this place evolves. My fingers are crossed for non-sweet potato fries and some sort of housemade burger. A meal deal would rule too, because spending nearly $20 (sandwich-side-drink) for takeaway lunch is ridiculous.


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